Our shop is now bilingual! We already have over 6000 English resources. All of the resources you see in English will eventually be available in Spanish. Keep checking Back and Remember to Have Fun!
Our shop is now bilingual! We already have over 6000 English resources. All of the resources you see in English will eventually be available in Spanish. Keep checking Back and Remember to Have Fun!
This is a game to practice Passive versus Active. English Battleship is a game for two players where you try to guess the location of five ships your opponent has hidden on a grid. Players take turns calling out a row and column, attempting to name a square containing enemy ships. The game is played with two players. Each player gets a game sheet with two grids and five ships. There is one length 5 ship, one length 4 ship, two length 3 ships and one length 2 ship. The goal is to sink all of your opponent's ships by correctly guessing their location. Students secretly place their ships on the lower grid. Each ship must be placed horizontally or vertically (not diagonally) across grid spaces, and can't hang over the grid. Ships can touch each other, but can't both be on the same space. Players take turns firing a shot to attack enemy ships. On a turn, students will call out a letter and a number of a row and column on the grid. Their opponent checks that space on their lower grid, and says "miss" if there are no ships there, or "hit" if they guessed a space that contained a ship. Students will mark their guesses on their upper grid, with an “X” for misses and a check mark for hits, to keep track. When a ship is hit, students will put a check mark on that ship on their lower grid at the location of the hit. Whenever a ship has all of its’ length spaces checked off they must announce to their opponent that he/she has sunk their ship. The first player to sink all opposing ships wins. (ships are included on page 2)
Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Imperatives Matching Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Imperatives Matching Worksheet.
This is a 2 page matching worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of thirty-five vocabulary words and clues.
How to Use It:
Students will use a vocabulary list and clues. They must match the vocabulary with the clues.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the worksheet and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Telling Time Matching WS” sample from our website to try one out.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Study Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Past Perfect Continuous Tense Study Worksheet.
This is a one-page study sheet. Each study sheet has a total of thirty-five statements or questions.
How to Use It:
The study sheets have a list of words on the left and either sentences with a missing word or questions on the right. Students can use them to memorize the target vocabulary or to study for one of the exams.
These study sheets can be printed and handed out to students in the class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Use our games, PowerPoints or other worksheets and exams as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Friendship Study Sheet” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Possessive Pronouns Reading-Conversation-Writing Worksheets-ESL Fun Class!
Try out our Possessive Pronouns Reading-Conversation-Writing Worksheets.
This grammar worksheet has four pages which include a reading section, a conversation section and a writing section. The reading and conversation sections are divided once more into two tasks. Each task has five photos and text. The writing section has ten photos and blanks lines to compose sentences on. The fourth page is the answer key.
How to Use It:
Students will look at the photos and use the grammar topic to write about what is in them. Then students will use the photos to help them fill in the missing words in either the reading or conversation paragraphs. In the writing section, students will write about the photos and they will use the photos and the grammar topic to compose their own sentences. For more advanced students, try having them use some or all of the photos to write their own story or conversation.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in the class.
The worksheets also work great for extra homework practice, extra credit or material for substitute teachers.
You can save on printing costs by posting the worksheets on your platform and have students complete them with a PDF editing program or by projecting the material in class and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Be sure to download the sample page and zoom in to see all of the exercises clearly.
Use our board, card and Jeopardy games, worksheets, or our PowerPoint presentations as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Adjectives Missing One Word Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Adjectives Missing One Word Worksheet.
This is a 2 page missing word worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of 35 sentences with a missing word in each one. The worksheets also have a word bank at the bottom of the second page.
How to Use It:
Students will look at the word bank and use the words to fill in the missing words in the sentences on the lines provided.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Use our board and card games, other worksheets, exams and PowerPoint games and presentations as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Feelings-Emotions Missing Word” sample from our website to try one out.
This is a game to practice telling time. Students move around the board and fill in the blanks with the correct time. If students give the correct answer they can remain on their spot until their next turn. If students give the incorrect answer they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn to try again. The student that reaches the "finish" square first or is the farthest in the game when their time is up Wins!
Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
This is a game to practice relative clauses. Students move around the board and fill in the blanks with with relative pronouns. If students give the correct answer they can remain on their spot until their next turn. If students give the incorrect answer they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn to try again. The student that reaches the "finish" square first or is the farthest in the game when their time is up Wins!
Family Members Decoding Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Family Members Decoding Worksheet.
This is a two page decoding puzzle worksheet. Each puzzle has a total of thirty-five words written in code.
How to Use It:
Students will use words written in code and hints in the decoder, to help break the code. They will then write the correct words on the lines provided.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complimentary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Airports-Hotels Decoding Puzzle” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Past Simple Tense-Regular Verbs PowerPoint Slideshow-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Past Simple Tense-Regular Verbs PowerPoint Slideshow.
Each Regular PowerPoint Slideshow has one topic with 6 task categories; What’s in the Photo? Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error. Every PowerPoint Slideshow has a total of 60 different tasks with answers. All 120 slides are also animated with sounds!
How to Use It:
Open the slideshow in PowerPoint. Click the mouse or the right arrow button on your keyboard to advance to the next slide. To move back a slide, click the left arrow button. Students can take turns performing the tasks on the slides or present the slideshow to the entire class as a fun classroom activity or topic warmer.
Use our worksheets, Jeopardy Game, Board and Card Games as complimentary activities for the PowerPoint Slideshow
Compound Nouns Jeopardy PowerPoint Presentation-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Compound Nouns Jeopardy PowerPoint Presentation.
Each Regular PowerPoint Slideshow has one topic with 6 task categories; What’s in the Photo? Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error. Every PowerPoint Slideshow has a total of 60 different tasks with answers. All 120 slides are also animated with sounds!
How to Use It:
Open the slideshow in PowerPoint. Click the mouse or the right arrow button on your keyboard to advance to the next slide. To move back a slide, click the left arrow button. Students can take turns performing the tasks on the slides or present the slideshow to the entire class as a fun classroom activity or topic warmer.
Use our worksheets, Jeopardy Game, Board and Card Games as complimentary activities for the PowerPoint Slideshow
Business-Work Slang Scrambled Sentences Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Business-Work Slang Scrambled Sentences Worksheet.
This is a two page scrambled sentences worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of thirty-five mixed up sentences.
How to Use It:
The words in each sentence have been scrambled. Students will re-write the words of the sentences in the correct order.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the worksheet and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Animals Scrambled Sentences WS” sample from our website to try one out.
Imperative Verbs Legal Size Text Board Game-ESL Fun Games
How to Play It:
Students will roll the die and move the number of spaces rolled. They will use the target language to perform the tasks on the spaces that they land on, whether it be answer a question or fill in the missing word.
How to Score It:
If the student is correct, he/she may remain on their spot. If the student is incorrect, he/she must return to their previous spot and roll again. The student that reaches the finish square first or is closest to it when time is up wins!
Paper markers and dice pattern are included on page 2.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 3.
All board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can
use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Game Update Information:
This game has been reformatted to legal size paper and an answer key, instructions, dice and marker cutouts have been added. If you have already purchased the game, and want the updated version, go to your purchases and try to redownload the game again. If this doesn’t work, email your proof of purchase to: admin@eslfungames.com, and a free copy of the updated game will be emailed to you.
Past Simple Tense with Irregular Verbs Legal Size Text Board Game-ESL Fun Games
How to Play It:
Students will roll the die and move the number of spaces rolled. They will use the target language to perform the tasks on the spaces that they land on, whether it be answer a question or fill in the missing word.
How to Score It:
If the student is correct, he/she may remain on their spot. If the student is incorrect, he/she must return to their previous spot and roll again. The student that reaches the finish square first or is closest to it when time is up wins!
Paper markers and dice pattern are included on page 2.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 3.
All board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can
use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Game Update Information:
This game has been reformatted to legal size paper and an answer key, instructions, dice and marker cutouts have been added. If you have already purchased the game, and want the updated version, go to your purchases and try to redownload the game again. If this doesn’t work, email your proof of purchase to: admin@eslfungames.com, and a free copy of the updated game will be emailed to you.
Relative Clauses Legal Size Text Board Game-ESL Fun Games
How to Play It:
Students will roll the die and move the number of spaces rolled. They will use the target language to perform the tasks on the spaces that they land on, whether it be answer a question or fill in the missing word.
How to Score It:
If the student is correct, he/she may remain on their spot. If the student is incorrect, he/she must return to their previous spot and roll again. The student that reaches the finish square first or is closest to it when time is up wins!
Paper markers and dice pattern are included on page 2.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 3.
All board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can
use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Game Update Information:
This game has been reformatted to legal size paper and an answer key, instructions, dice and marker cutouts have been added. If you have already purchased the game, and want the updated version, go to your purchases and try to redownload the game again. If this doesn’t work, email your proof of purchase to: admin@eslfungames.com, and a free copy of the updated game will be emailed to you.
Phonics Silent Letter T Worksheet-ESL Fun Games-Fun!
Try out our Phonics Silent Letter T Worksheet.
Each worksheet has a total of twelve vocabulary words emphasizing a particular phonetic sound.
How to Use It:
Students will use the photos to identify pictures with the target phonetic sound. Once they pick a photo they must write the vocabulary word with the correct target phonetic sound under its’ matching photo.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class.
The worksheets also work great for extra homework practice.
You can also save on printing costs by projecting the worksheet and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games as complimentary activities for the worksheets.
Don’t forget to download our free “Phonics B Sound Photo Worksheet” sample to try one out.
Phonics Silent Letters MB Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Phonics Silent Letters MB Worksheet.
Each worksheet has a total of twelve vocabulary words emphasizing a particular phonetic sound.
How to Use It:
Students will use the photos to identify the picture with the target phonetic sound. Once they pick a photo they must write the vocabulary word with the correct target phonetic sound under its’ matching photo.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class.
The worksheets also work great for extra homework practice.
You can also save on printing costs by projecting the worksheet and having students write down the answers in their notebooks
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games as complimentary activities for the worksheets.
Don’t forget to download our free “Phonics B Sound Photo Worksheet” sample to try one out.
Friendship Activities Alphabet Soup-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Friendship Activities Alphabet Soup.
This is a 2 page alphabet soup worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of twenty-five words hidden in a grid, sentence clues with the missing words and a word bank at the bottom of page of the second page.
How to Use It:
Students will look at the word bank and use the words to fill in the missing words in the sentence clues. The missing words becomes the target words to be used in the puzzle.
The target words are hidden in the puzzle grid. Each line of the grid has one word hidden in a list of random letters. Every line in the grid has a blank space. The blank space is a missing letter that belongs to a particular word. Students need to decide what word is hidden in the letters and write the missing letter in the blank space. They should then circle the entire word.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Don’t forget to download our free “Airports-Hotels Alphabet Soup” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Friendship Activities Jumbled Words-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Friendship Activities Jumbled Words.
This is a 2 page jumbled words worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of sixteen jumbled words, sentence clues with the jumbled words missing and a word bank at the bottom of page of the second page.
How to Use It:
Students will look at the word bank and use the words to fill in the missing words in the sentence clues. The missing words becomes the target words to be un-jumbled. Students must figure out what the words are and write them on the blank lines provided.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Don’t forget to download our free “Body Parts Jumbled Words” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Phonics 2 Letter Digraph NG Photo Worksheet-ESL Fun Games-Fun
Try out our Phonics 2 Letter Digraph NG Photo Worksheet.
Each worksheet has a total of twelve vocabulary words emphasizing a particular phonetic sound.
How to Use It:
Students will use the photos to identify the picture with the target phonetic sound. Once they pick a photo they must write the vocabulary word with the correct target phonetic sound under its’ matching photo.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class.
The worksheets also work great for extra homework practice.
You can also save on printing costs by projecting the worksheet and having students write down the answers in their notebooks
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games as complimentary activities for the worksheets.
Don’t forget to download our free “Phonics B Sound Photo Worksheet” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Free Time-Hobbies PowerPoint Presentation-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Free Time-Hobbies PowerPoint Presentation.
Each Regular PowerPoint Slideshow has one topic with 6 task categories; What’s in the Photo? Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error. Every PowerPoint Slideshow has a total of 60 different tasks with answers. All 120 slides are also animated with sounds!
How to Use It:
Open the slideshow in PowerPoint. Click the mouse or the right arrow button on your keyboard to advance to the next slide. To move back a slide, click the left arrow button. Students can take turns performing the tasks on the slides or present the slideshow to the entire class as a fun classroom activity or topic warmer.
Use our worksheets, Jeopardy Game, Board and Card Games as complimentary activities for the PowerPoint Slideshow